Police demolish illegal West Bank outpost, three arrested

Masked demonstrators arrive at Geulat Zion and begin throwing stones at Border Police, damaging patrol car; evacuation takes place amid uptick in violence between settlers and Palestinians
Elisha Ben Kimon|
An illegal West Bank outpost was demolished by Israeli security forces on Wednesday, sparking violent clashes between police and demonstrators.
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  • Three people were arrested on suspicion of attacking police officers during the evacuation of the Geulat Zion outpost in the Shiloh settlement bloc in the central West Bank.
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    תיעוד מפינוי מאחז בלתי חוקי בבנימין
    תיעוד מפינוי מאחז בלתי חוקי בבנימין
    Israeli security forces at the illegal West Bank outpost of Geulat Zion
    (Photo: TPS)
    A group of 20 masked people arrived at a nearby hill and began throwing stones at the Border Police troops, damaging a patrol vehicle.
    A short video from the scene showed a female Border Police officer tussling with a young woman.
    Secuirty forces then continued to another nearby illegal outpost, Ramat Migron, where five people were arrested during clashes with police and four patrol cars were damaged.
    The evacuation comes amid continued violence between settlers and Palestinian in the West Bank. On Monday, three Palestinians were injured in a clash with settlers at the site of the former West Bank Homesh settlement.
    Israeli security forces demolishing the illegal West Bank outpost of Geulat Zion
    (Video: TPS)
    Israeli leaders spoke out against settler violence after dozens of settlers attacked a Palestinian village in late September, wounding a toddler, but there have been several attacks since then.
    Nearly 500,000 Jewish settlers live in more than 130 settlements scattered across the West Bank, many of which resemble towns and suburbs, with built-up neighborhoods and shopping malls. More radical settlers have established dozens of additional outposts without Israeli authorization.
    The Palestinians view all the settlements as the main obstacle to the creation of a viable Palestinian state alongside Israel, which is still seen internationally as the only way to resolve the conflict. Most of the international community views the settlements as illegal.
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