Suspected combined West Bank attack injures four, two terrorists neutralized

Teports suggest one terrorist attempted to carry out a bombing attack with his vehicle and failed while another opened fire toward Karmei Tzur; possible connection still under investigation

Liran Tamari, Yoav Zitun|
Footage of the exploding vehicle from Gush Etzion

A suspected combined terror attack took place late Friday in Karnei Tzur and Gush Etzion, Israeli settlements both located in the West Bank. Two terrorists were neutralized in both incidents and four people were injured.
At around 11:35 p.m., the first incident took place close to a gas station located in Gush Etzion in which a vehicle exploded, injuring two people while another was reported missing with forces arriving at the scene.
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פיגוע  סמוך לגוש עציון
פיגוע  סמוך לגוש עציון
IDF forces near Karmei Tzur
(Photo: Shalev Shalom)
According to Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency services, a man and a youth suffered gunshot wounds with the two being evacuated to the hospital in moderate and minor condition respectively.
"A vehicle caught fire and exploded in a gas station at the Gush Etzion Junction. IDF soldiers who were dispatched to the scene opened fire and eliminated the terrorist who exited the vehicle and attempted to attack them. Security forces are conducting scans in the area to rule out the possibility of additional terrorists," the military said in a statement.
IDF estimations suggest the car explosion in Gush Etzion was intended to act as a bombing attack which failed. The terrorist inside the vehicle noticed it was burning, left it in an attempt to attack workers at the gas station and was eliminated by IDF troops he stormed forward in an attempt to harm them.
Shortly afterward, at 11:50 p.m., a terrorist opened fire late Friday toward Karmei Tzur after attempting to ram his car into the settlement's main gate where he was neutralized by security forces in the area, after the local security guard opened fire at his vehicle which was also rigged with explosives, causing it to detonate.
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פיגוע בגוש עציון מכונית תופת
פיגוע בגוש עציון מכונית תופת
The car which exploded in Gush Etzion
(Photo: Shalev Shalom)
"In an additional incident, terrorists attempted to ram a security guard at the entrance to the Karmei Tzur community a short while ago and infiltrated the community. IDF soldiers were dispatched to the scene and a terrorists was neutralized. Security forces are conducting scans to rule out the possibility of additional terrorists in the area," the IDF added.
"Large IDF, Israeli Police, and ISA forces who were dispatched to the area, are conducting wide-range scans and blocking routes in the area. At this moment, it cannot be determined if the incidents are related. "
One person received minor injuries in the incident according to MDA paramedics another person who was injured at the scene received very minor injuries and didn't require medical attention.
A number of injuries have been reported. The details are still under review.
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פיצוץ סמוך לגוש עציון
פיצוץ סמוך לגוש עציון
Security and emergency forces at the scene
(Photo: Shalev Shalom)
Shortly after the attack the IDF Homes Front Command alerted the settlement of a possible terrorist infiltration in the area and instructed all residents to remain locked inside of their homes.
"The suspect was neutralized at the scene. The event is still developing. Details to follow," the military said in a statement.
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