Hamas’ Beit Hanoun Battalion commander killed by IDF forces in northern Gaza tunnel

Hussein Fiad was killed during an operation in the Jabaliya area; He was responsible for launching anti-tank missiles and mortar fire at Israeli communities near the border with Gaza

As part of IDF operational activity in the area of Jabaliya, Israeli AIr Force special forces and the special Yahalom Combat Engineering unit eliminated terrorist Hussein Fiad, the commander of Hamas’ Beit Hanoun Battalion, who was in a tunnel in northern Gaza.
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Hussein Fiad
Hussein Fiad
Hussein Fiad, the commander of Hamas’ Beit Hanoun Battalion, was killed by IDF forces in a tunnel in the Jabaliya area
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
According to the IDF, "Fiad was responsible for launching a significant number of the anti-tank missiles that were fired at Israeli territory throughout the war, along with extensive mortar fire toward Israeli communities near the northern Gaza Strip."
The killing of Fiad is "part of the IDF's operational activity above and below ground to locate tunnels and eliminate the terrorists operating within them," the IDF said in a statement.
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