US says would back Israel if a war against Hezbollah breaks out, report

Visiting Israeli Strategic Affairs minister told by senior administration officials that although there would be no American boots on the ground, the administration would provide military aid to fight the Iran-backed terror group 

U.S. officials told visiting Israelis that the administration would stand by Israel if war in the north breaks out, CNN reported late on Friday.
The assurances were made in a meeting with Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and the head of the National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi who are visiting D.C.
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שריפה פרצה ב מטולה אחרי פגיעות נ"ט
שריפה פרצה ב מטולה אחרי פגיעות נ"ט
Aftermath of a Hezbollah rocket attack on Metula
Although there would be no American boots on the ground, Washington was prepared to provide military aid to assist Israel in its fight against the Iran-backed terror group that had been attacking northern Israel since October, forcing tens of thousands of residents to evacuate from their homes.
Dermer and Hanegbi met with U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and others, to discuss Iran's nuclear program and ways to defuse tension along the border
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היועץ לביטחון לאומי של ארה"ב ג'ייק סאליבן
היועץ לביטחון לאומי של ארה"ב ג'ייק סאליבן
Jake Sullivan
(Photo: Violeta Santos Moura / Reuters)
The meeting took place amid Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's growing public feud with the U.S., claiming it was withholding critical armaments needed by the military in its war with Gaza.
Netanyahu accused Biden of delaying arms as Israel was fighting for its very existence although the White House rejected the accusations. calling Netanyahu's comments "perplexing."

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