Families of six hostages killed in Gaza informed of their deaths

Ori Danino, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lobanov, Carmel Gat and Almog Sarusi murdered by their Hamas captors in Gaza

Yael Ciehanover, Daniel Edelson, New York, Nina Fox, Yoav Zitun|
The families of six hostages—Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Ori Danino, Eden Yerushalmi, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and Carmel Gat—have been informed of their deaths in Hamas captivity. The news follows the IDF’s announcement that it had discovered several bodies in Gaza.
The families issued statements one by one, and the IDF confirmed the deaths of the six individuals. In a brief statement Saturday, issued amid widespread rumors and unverified reports on social media, the IDF noted that the process of identification and recovery is ongoing.
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מימין למעלה: הרש גולדברג-פולין, עדן ירושלמי, אורי דנינו. מימין למטה: אלמוג סרסוסי, כרמל גת, אלכס לובנוב
מימין למעלה: הרש גולדברג-פולין, עדן ירושלמי, אורי דנינו. מימין למטה: אלמוג סרסוסי, כרמל גת, אלכס לובנוב
From top left: Ori Danino, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lobanov, Carmel Gat and Almog Sarusi
(Photo: Courtesy)
The army announced the names of the six victims, stating: "The IDF and Shin Bet yesterday located and recovered the bodies of hostages Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and Sgt. 1st Class Ori Danino from an underground tunnel in the Rafah area. They were kidnapped on October 7 and murdered by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. After an identification process conducted by the National Center of Forensic Medicine, the Israel Police and the Military Rabbinate, the Hostage Recovery Team from the IDF Personnel Directorate notified the families. The IDF and Shin Bet express their deepest condolences to the families in this difficult time."
The parents of Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Rachel and Jon Goldberg-Polin, said in a statement, “With broken hearts, the Goldberg-Polin family is devastated to announce the death of their beloved son and brother, Hersh. The family thanks you all for your love and support and asks for privacy at this time."
Yitzhak Danino, brother of Ori Danino, wrote on Instagram: "Blessed is the True Judge. My beloved brother, I'm sorry I couldn't do everything in time. I will live with this forever. I know you'll watch over me from above, and I can't believe I'm even talking about you like this."
Ori’s girlfriend, Liel, added: "Our hearts are shattered into a million pieces. We’re far from processing or understanding this. It feels like a dream." His friend Dolev wrote: "My heart can't bear it. Every day we prayed for a different outcome and believed you would come back."
Eden Yerushalmi’s family announced her death on the Instagram account dedicated to her return, writing: "With deep sorrow, we announce the murder of our Eden in Hamas captivity."
Alex Lobanov’s family also confirmed his death, writing: "With profound sorrow and deep grief, we announce the murder of our beloved Alex." The city of Ashkelon, where Alex lived, paid tribute to him: "He was abducted from the party at Re’im on October 7, while working there as a bar manager. His body was recovered by IDF forces over the weekend, along with the bodies of five other hostages. He leaves behind a wife, Michal, and two children, one of whom was born while Alex was in captivity and whom he never got to meet, as well as his parents and a brother."
U.S. President Joe Biden issued a special statement this morning, saying, "Earlier today, in a tunnel beneath the city of Rafah, Israeli forces discovered the bodies of six hostages held by Hamas. I am heartbroken and outraged." He added, "Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will continue to work around the clock on a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages."
Biden specifically addressed the death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin: "Hersh was among the innocent people brutally attacked while attending a peace music festival in Israel on October 7. He lost his arm while helping friends and strangers during Hamas's savage massacre. He had just turned 23 and was planning to travel the world."
Biden continued, "I came to know his parents, Jon and Rachel. They were brave, intelligent, and strong, even as they endured the unimaginable. They were relentless and indomitable advocates for their son and for all the hostages held in unacceptable conditions. I admire them and mourn with them more deeply than words can express. I know all Americans tonight will keep them in their prayers, as Jill and I will. I worked tirelessly to bring their beloved Hersh home safely, and I am heartbroken by the news of his death. It is as tragic as it is reprehensible."
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