IDF maps house of rabbi's killer ahead of razing as victim is laid to rest

Shin Bet's preliminary probe reveals Khalil Doikat, 46, did not belong to any terror organizations but appeared to have suffered from mental disorders and was treated by health and welfare officials in the PA; meanwhile, 200 people attend funeral of Rabbi Shai
Yoav Zitun|
Israeli military early Thursday mapped the house of the terrorist who stabbed a rabbi to death in central Israel, ahead of its demolition, as the victim was being laid to rest.
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  • Rabbi Shai Ohayon, 39, had been found unconscious with multiple stab wounds in the city of Petah Tikva on Wednesday and was pronounced dead shortly after. The 46-year-old Palestinian suspect, who holds an Israeli work permit, was arrested after a manhunt and handed over to the Shin Bet.
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    לוחמי צה"ל פושטים על בית המחבל מהפיגוע בפ"ת
    לוחמי צה"ל פושטים על בית המחבל מהפיגוע בפ"ת
    IDF maps the home of the suspected killer
    (Photo: The IDF's Spokesperson's Unit )
    IDF troops from the Kfir infantry brigade raided the family home of Khalil Doikat in Rojib village, east of Nablus, in the northern West Bank. The forces confiscated documents, questioned the relatives of the terrorist and mapped the structure ahead of its possible razing.
    Shin Bet investigators are said to be looking into the suspect's relatives and whether some of them knew about his intentions to commit the terror act. The father of six is not believed to have belonged to a terrorist organization and has passed all the necessary background checks in order to obtain a work permit in Israel.
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    חליל עבד אלחאלק מוחמד דויכאת
    חליל עבד אלחאלק מוחמד דויכאת
    Khalil Doikat
    A preliminary investigation, however, revealed that he suffered from mental disorders and was recently treated by health and welfare officials in the Palestinian Authority.
    In the meantime, around 200 people attended the funeral of the rabbi at Segula Cemetery in Petah Tikva overnight.
    "Here, at Sgula Junction, they tried to cut down the enterprise of your life," eulogized the chief rabbi of Petah Tikva, Mika Levy. "Rabbi Shai, who was with us until a few hours ago, was a hidden personality. Today, the people of Israel know who Rabbi Shai was. We ask him to pray for us all."
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