UN lowers flag to half-staff to honor Raisi; 'UN has completely gone off the deep end'

The United Nations announced on Tuesday that it will lower its flag to half-mast "as a mark of respect" for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on Sunday.
Yaki Lopez of the Foreign Ministry's Bureau for Digital Diplomacy called the tribute to the late Iranian leader, notorious for sanctioning the executions of thousands of political prisoners during his tenure as Tehran prosecutor and brutally cracking down on protesters as president, a "disgrace."
"The @UN has completely gone off the deep end," he wrote on X. "Lowering the UN flag to half mast in tribute of Iranian President Raisi, a.k.a The Butcher of Tehran.
"Raisi is personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranians, as well as for attacks on Israel. What a disgrace."
(Daniel Edelson, New York)
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