Middle East threats endanger American democracy

Opinion: Antisemitism surge across West underscores Israel's fight for entire Western democratic world; under Biden's appeasement policies, Iran has become wealthier and more aggressive, posing increasing threat to both US and Europe

The alarming campaign of antisemitism that has been sweeping the Western world since October 7 has not happened by chance, and its disturbing “success” demonstrates how Israel’s fight is no longer just Israel’s, but the entire Western democratic world’s fight.
The uptick in antisemitism in America, for example, has been spearheaded by two major threats to American stability today: the Islamic Republic of Iran and Qatar. Both countries have spent years (and billions) investing in a long-term plan to spread different branches of Islamic extremism in American communities and on campuses.
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הפגנות מחוץ לקפיטול לקראת נאום ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בקונגרס
הפגנות מחוץ לקפיטול לקראת נאום ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בקונגרס
Pro-Palestinian protest on Capitol Hill
Make no mistake: the constant threats made by Hezbollah and Hamas – both proxies of the Islamic Republic of Iran – are not solely focused on Israel, rather they seek to expand their terrorist tactics to the entire West, eventually taking on the “Great Satan” – America.
This isn’t a new threat. Hezbollah slaughtered 241 American soldiers in Lebanon in 1983, and today 5 American citizens remain in Hamas captivity in Gaza. But the threat is becoming greater than ever before because of the increasing aggression from the Islamic Republic of Iran, and their disinformation campaigns.
While a huge part of that campaign is taking place online, the fingerprints of the Islamic regime as well as Qatar (ironically a Sunni “enemy” of Shia Iran) are all over these anti-Israel protests in the United States. At many of these protests, we see Hamas and Hezbollah flags waving in the crowd, accompanied by chants in support of the Houthis, another proxy of the Islamic Republic, as well as justification for the murder and rape of Israeli civilians.
In multiple cases, we have seen the burning of American flags, as well as the replacement of American flags with Palestinian flags. This is not merely a protest against Israel, it’s a coordinated campaign against the United States.
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שריפת דגל ארה"ב ובובה בדמות נתניהו ב וושינגטון בירת ארה"ב מהלך נאומו ב קונגרס
שריפת דגל ארה"ב ובובה בדמות נתניהו ב וושינגטון בירת ארה"ב מהלך נאומו ב קונגרס
Protesters burning the American flag on Capitol Hilk during Netanyahu's Congress speech
(Photo: Matthew Hatcher / AFP)
These actions should not be taken lightly. Knowingly or not, these “protesters” are doing the bidding of the Islamic Republic. It is for this reason the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, praised the protests and regime insiders have discussed creating a new proxy group composed of these radicalized students. It was also recently revealed that the Islamic regime had funded some of these protests.
These are not peaceful protests, they are violent campaigns orchestrated by the Islamic Republic and their allies, meant to desensitize the American public to antisemitism in the wake of Israel’s war against Hamas. This is a national security threat.
Today, the Islamic Republic is significantly richer and more integrated in the West through its terrorist tentacles and as a result of weak policy by the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration has been catastrophically horrendous on Iran, literally propping up the Islamic Republic and refusing to endorse regime change when hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets demanding it.
Biden’s Iran policy decisions have also been marred by numerous scandals including the employment of alleged spies of the Islamic Republic in the State Department, as well as alleged security breaches of senior officials like Rob Malley, the former special envoy for Iran who was dismissed for mishandling classified documents.
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הפגנת עצרת פרו-פלסטינית בוושינגטון ארה"ב
הפגנת עצרת פרו-פלסטינית בוושינגטון ארה"ב
When the U.S. government could have led the world in a Western-allied campaign against the Islamic regime in support of democratic values, they instead chose to unfreeze billions of dollars including $6 billion in a prisoner exchange which encourages further kidnappings by the regime, and $10 billion in previously frozen assets held in Iraq. In doing so, the Biden administration has strengthened terror proxies and supported the brutal oppression of the Iranian people.
Evidence also shows that when the Islamic regime in Iran is emboldened, there is more bloodshed both internally in Iran, and around the world. Under the U.S. appeasement of the Biden Administration, executions in Iran skyrocketed. In addition to executions, Iranian oil exports have exploded under President Biden’s appeasement and nonenforcement of sanctions, especially in comparison to the Trump era. Regime military spending has also increased, as has uranium enrichment reaching all-time high levels of 60% enriched uranium and only weeks away from a nuclear weapon. The regime has never been more emboldened than under President Joe Biden, and it has never been more critical that this regime is stopped.
The appeasement policies of the Biden Administration, in conjunction with Europe’s failure to crack down on the Islamic Republic, have emboldened the regime to the point they are unafraid of even carrying out attacks on European soil. Just days ago they threatened to attack an EU member state, Cyprus, if they assisted Israel in the fight against Hezbollah, the terror proxy of Tehran which has been bombarding northern Israel with thousands of rockets for 8 months and counting. But don’t be deceived, this isn’t about Israel alone for the Islamic Republic. They have already destabilized or contributed to the destabilization of Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. Now, their sights are set on Europe and the United States.
It was only a matter of time before this insidious violent hatred made its way to the United States, the question now is what will Americans do about it?
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