Settlers attack two northern West Bank towns, Palestinian media reports

Israeli security official says that in the village of Rujeib some 80 settlers entered Palestinian land, set fire to trees and property, threw stones, and engaged in violent confrontations with locals

Palestinian media reported Saturday that two northern West Bank towns were attacked by masked Israeli settlers.
Reports and footage from the scene show that the Israelis threw stones, set fires, and damaged cars.
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תיעוד פלסטיני מכפר רוג'ייב
תיעוד פלסטיני מכפר רוג'ייב
Footage from the village of Rujeib
According to security officials, about 10 settlers arrived in the village of Massafer Yatta in southern Mount Hebron, attempted to enter homes, and clashed with residents.
In the nearby village of Rujeib, near Nablus, around 80 settlers entered Palestinian land, set fire to trees and property, threw stones, and engaged in violent confrontations with locals. Security forces are working to prevent escalation. No arrests or injuries have been reported so far.
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תיעוד פלסטיני מכפר רוג'ייב
תיעוד פלסטיני מכפר רוג'ייב
Damaged vehicles
The Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that settlers uprooted olive trees, set fire to large areas of land in Qusra, and burned several vehicles.
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