Settlers campaign against military, claim political bias

Claiming IDF neglecting their security, settlers distribute flyers, criticizing IDF command for not doing enough to counter terror attacks in the area, despite successful military operations against terrorist groups
Elisha Ben Kimon|
Jewish West Bank settlers on Thursday criticized the IDF for politically motivated neglect of their security.
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  • Pamphlets naming regional commander Major General Yehuda Fox, IDF Spokesperson Ran Kochav and Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi were distributed in the settlements accusing them of being captives of the Oslo Accords, signed in 1993 with the Palestinians, which led to the formation of the Palestinian Authority and their control over the major urban areas on the West Bank.
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    כוחות צה"ל בחווארה
    כוחות צה"ל בחווארה
    IDF forces in the West Bank
    (Photo: AFP)
    The settlers claimed that their support of the accords prevents them from taking decisive action against Palestinian terror.
    "The Oslo perception must be eradicated," the settlers wrote in their pamphlets claiming the military commanders were incapable of the necessary action and opted to depend on the security services of the PA to do the job.
    In recent weeks, groups of settlers took to the streets to protest the surge in terror attacks. Some hurled stones and passing Palestinian cars causing damage to the vehicles and local Palestinian businesses.
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    עימותים בין מתנחלים לפלסטינים ב חווארה
    עימותים בין מתנחלים לפלסטינים ב חווארה
    Settlers riot in a Palestinian town on the West Bank
    (Photo: AFP)
    Some also clashed with troops including allegedly, using pepper spray against a high ranking officer. Thus far none were indicted.
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    כוח של מג"ב הותקף באבנים ובצבע על ידי מתנחלים  בתוך יצהר
    כוח של מג"ב הותקף באבנים ובצבע על ידי מתנחלים  בתוך יצהר
    Border Police Jeep after settlers threw paint on it on the West Bank
    (Police Spokesperson)
    Chief of Staff Kochavi condemned the settlers pamphlet calling it unethical.
    "Attacking public servants who are carrying out their duties professionally and in accordance with the law is wrong," Kochavi said. "The IDF should not be dragged into the political discourse in any way, not even by innuendo," he said.
    The settlers attack of the military comes a day after a senior member of the Nablus based militant group the Lion's Den, which has been responsible for some 20 terror attacks in the area, surrendered himself and three others, to the PA's security forces and days after the IDF killed five other members of the group in a shootout in Nablus.
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