Iran plans attack on Israeli delegation to Paris, minister says

Foreign minister says in post on X that the world must take action against Iran before it is too late, says sabotage of French  train service is the work of Iran's 'axis of evil' 

Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Friday that Iran was planning an attack on the Israeli delegation to the Olympic Games in Paris, in a post on X.
Katz claimed that the sabotage of France's fast-rail services and the threat at the Basel-Mulhouse Airport in Switzerland were the work of the Iranian "axis of evil." He called on the world to take action to stop Iran, "before it's too late."
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שר החוץ ישראל כץ  בהונגריה
שר החוץ ישראל כץ  בהונגריה
Israel Katz
(Photo: Attila Kisbenedek / AFP)
A French diplomatic source said he was aware of the threat to Israeli Olympic and Paralympic athletes and that the delegation and Israelis attending the games would receive the best security cover possible.
The sabotage on France's trains was carried out despite a massive security operation for the Games involving some 45,000 police, 10,000 soldiers and 2,000 private security staff. The coordinated actions by arsonists brought major disruption to some of France's busiest rail lines.
"This is a massive broad attack meant to disable the fast-rail network, " Frances train company SNCF said in a statement adding that overnight infrastructure was sabotaged including lines inside France and international lines traveling to the UK and Belgium. According to a report on CNN, some 800,000 people were affected by the disruptions to service.
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 שיבושים בתנועת הרכבות בפריז
 שיבושים בתנועת הרכבות בפריז
People stranded in France railroad station on Friday
( Photo: Thibaud Moritz / AFP)
The Eurostar train connecting France and the UK, advised passengers not to travel on the London-Paris line on Friday and train services from Germany were also delayed or suspended. The official also said an investigation was underway to identify those responsible for the attack on France's rail services.
The German government condemned attacks on French railway infrastructure ahead of the Paris Olympics on Friday, saying that it was awaiting the outcome of a French investigation into the incidents.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz will attend Friday's opening ceremony, a government spokesperson said, adding that the perception was that French authorities had taken all necessary precautions to maintain security at the event.
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High-speed SNCF trains
High-speed SNCF trains
High-speed SNCF trains
(Photo: Reuters)
On Wednesday, French police arrested a 40-year-old Russian man who it said was involved in plots to destabilize the Olympics. In a statement on Friday, the Kremlin said that it had no information about the case and that the Russian embassy in Paris needed to be informed properly about the circumstances.
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