Security guards foil attempted arson at Zurich synagogue

Swiss man with reported mental health issues was seen pouring gasoline outside the Agudas Achim Synagogue before fleeing the scene; He was later arrested

Security guards thwarted an attempted arson at the Agudas Achim Synagogue in Zurich on Saturday.
The suspect, a 32-year-old Swiss man with reported mental health issues, was seen pouring gasoline outside the building before fleeing the scene. The incident occurred at 8 p.m. shortly before the afternoon prayer service.
The suspect was arrested by Zurich police later that night. Authorities said that the individual was not motivated by extremist ideology, whether from the left, right or related to Islam.
Yehuda Spielman, a member of the local council, reported that the suspect had visited at least one other Jewish institution in the city on the day of the attempted arson and earlier in the week.
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שוטרים שומרים על בית הכנסת בציריך, שוויץ
שוטרים שומרים על בית הכנסת בציריך, שוויץ
Police outside the Agudas Achim Synagogue in Zurich after a stabbing attack in March
(Photo: Arnd Wiegmann / AFP)
"I don't think it's a coincidence that a synagogue was targeted," Spielman said. "This wasn't a random attack –footage shows the suspect had previously been in the neighborhood."
Following the arson attempt, the community proceeded with the afternoon prayer service and the regular seudah shlishit Sabbath meal with the rabbi. The Sabbath ended in Zurich at 9:27 p.m. local time.
"According to current information, a man poured gasoline outside the synagogue on Erikastrasse in Zurich last night. He was immediately detected by security personnel and fled," Jonathan Kreutner, the secretary-general of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG), told local media.
Zurich police confirmed the details. "The alleged perpetrator, likely suffering from mental instability, a 32-year-old Swiss citizen, was apprehended by Zurich police during the night," the police said in a statement. "The forensic institute conducted an examination of evidence at the crime scene, and the Zurich Cantonal Police have since taken over the case."
In March, a 15-year-old attacked a 50-year-old Orthodox Jew in Zurich, shouting "Death to Jews." After the attack, a video emerged of the Swiss boy, originally from Tunisia, pledging allegiance to the Islamic State and vowing jihad against Jews and attacks on synagogues.
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