Warsaw Uber driver cancels ride for Israeli passenger due to his Jewish identity

Passenger describes Muslim driver’s behavior as act of antisemitism amid broader trend of anti-Israel sentiment among some Uber drivers in Polish capital city

A Muslim Uber driver in Warsaw canceled a ride request from an Israeli passenger solely because he was Jewish.
Dima, an Israeli living in the Polish capital, booked a ride as usual through the app using his Israeli phone number, but was shocked when the driver refused to pick him up and asked him to cancel the ride.
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רכב של אובר בוורשה, ארכיון
רכב של אובר בוורשה, ארכיון
Archival: Uber vehicle in Warsaw, Poland
(Photo: Shutterstock)
"I asked him what was going on, and he replied that he canceled because I am Jewish," Dima told Ynet. "I was in shock. At first, I wanted to curse him, but then I just wrote, 'You cancel.' And he did."
Dima described the incident as "absolute antisemitism," blaming it on "Palestinian propaganda on television." He filed a complaint with Uber, which responded that they would cooperate with the police. "In the end, Uber did nothing about it," Dima said. "I've lived in Warsaw for many years. This incident shocked me. I was really taken aback that something like this could happen."
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ההתכתבות בין הנהג לנוסע הישראלי
ההתכתבות בין הנהג לנוסע הישראלי
Dima's correspondence with the Uber driver
Chabad emissary in Warsaw Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber Stambler noted that there have been several unpleasant incidents recently involving Uber drivers in the city, who have attempted to engage Israeli passengers in political arguments.
"Often, these encounters end with spitting and shouting," he said. "My brother once got into an Uber with a Russian-speaking driver, who was bearded and likely Muslim. When my brother said he was from Israel, the driver told him, 'I hate you, and if that bothers you, you can get out.'
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נהג האובר עם החולה הפרו פלסטינית שאסף את ילדי הרב
נהג האובר עם החולה הפרו פלסטינית שאסף את ילדי הרב
The Uber driver with the pro-Palestinian shirt who picked up Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber Stambler's children
"There have been instances where drivers saw Jewish passengers and left, cursing and shouting 'Free Palestine.' This week, my children were driven by an Uber driver wearing a shirt that said 'Free Palestine' with a picture of a terrorist holding a weapon. Thankfully, he didn’t speak to the kids, but it was an unsettling experience."
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