850 גג

Hezbollah improves drone capabilities to hide from IDF

Analysis: Hezbollah has learned how to hide its drones from the IDF with several channels and flying at a low-altitude; Nasrallah escalates the conflict with Israel to assist Hamas in negotiations and Israel will need to respond forcefully while hoping it doesn't spark full-scale war 

Ron Ben-Yishai|
Hezbollah's attack in Hurfeish came as a direct response to Tuesday's IDF strike in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah was quick to take responsibility and admitted that the attack was revenge for its killed operative.
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כטב"ם שנפל במועצה האזורית מטה אשר
כטב"ם שנפל במועצה האזורית מטה אשר
Nasrallah improves drone capabilities
The drone attack Wednesday, which successfully infiltrated Israel undetected and wounded 12 people, one who is in critical condition, requires a harsh response, especially in light of the escalation in the north over the past 10 days. Hezbollah draws encouragement and sees itself as victorious in the psychological warfare, as a result of the fires in the north, despite the fact that citizens in southern Lebanon suffer no less from fires and destruction, perhaps even more than Israelis. However, it seems that Hezbollah decided to ignore the issues of its people, probably also to assist Hamas in negotiations over the hostages.
Hezbollah mainly uses drones with heavy short-range rockets, to fire at unprotected military targets in Israeli territory. The drones also provide him with significant visual intelligence, allowing him to detect clusters of IDF facilities. Nasrallah mainly uses them in response to Israeli strikes on Hezbollah operatives.
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חורפיש לאחר הנפילה במקום
חורפיש לאחר הנפילה במקום
The attack in Hurfeish
(Photo: Nachum Segal)
It is also necessary to investigate and uncover why there were no warning sirens before Wednesday's attack, in which two drones were used. Over the many years of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, the latter has learned how to evade IDF countermeasures. The drone's low altitude also helps it avoid detection and the activation of sirens.
Despite not wanting to wage full-scale war, the IDF is ready to enter Lebanon within hours
The IDF's response, following the serious incident, will probably include more strikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. It also requires the Northern Command to draw conclusions regarding the readiness of the forces currently deployed throughout the North. The IDF is prepared to defend the area or launch an offensive into Lebanese territory if and when the political echelon orders.
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נפילה בחורפיש
נפילה בחורפיש
Hezbollah strikes Hurfeish
To avoid casualties, the units were deployed in the Galilee region and not just on the border. The troops need to be well-equipped and spread thinly so that undetected drones do not cause as much damage as is being done on Mount Dov.
Despite not wanting to wage full-scale war, the IDF is ready to enter Lebanon within hours. Israel prefers to avoid a military confrontation as long as there is an opportunity to reach an agreement concerning the release of the hostages held in Gaza and reach a diplomatic settlement in Lebanon. The implication for us is that we need to tread carefully, between a firm response and further escalation.
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