IDF says Master Sergeant (res.) Shlomo Yehonatan Hazut falls in Gaza

Hazut killed in IED blast near infantry force searching for Hamas tunnels and infrastructure; three other soldiers hurt, one seriously

The IDF said late on Sunday that Master Sergeant (res.) Shlomo Yehonatan Hazut, 36, from Ashdod, fell in the fighting in Gaza.
Hazut was killed in an explosion in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Three other soldiers were hurt, one seriously.
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רס"ר (במיל') שלמה יהונתן חזוט ז"ל
רס"ר (במיל') שלמה יהונתן חזוט ז"ל
Master Sergeant (res.) Shlomo Yehonatan Hazut
(Photo: IDF)
He is the seventh soldier to fall in Gaza in four days. Four of the fatalities were killed when IEDs detonated.
An initial probe revealed that an infantry force was on the hunt for Hamas underground tunnels and infrastructure on a path that was cleared by heavy machines of the Engineering Corps. An IED was likely missed and was detonated remotely by terrorists hiding in a tunnel.
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תיעוד מהשמדת התוואי התת-קרקעי בחאן יונס שברצועת עזה
תיעוד מהשמדת התוואי התת-קרקעי בחאן יונס שברצועת עזה
IDF troops in Gaza
(Photo: IDF)
Since the start of the war, 702 soldiers were killed, 338 of them since the ground offensive on Gaza began.
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