Defense Ministry tractor comes under fire in suspected shooting attack

Contractor working near the partition fence in the Jenin area of the West Bank, uninjured and identifies shots coming from a home inside the village of Jalameh; earlier former military chief says new Palestinian uprising, likely
Elisha Ben Kimon, Einav Halabi|
Shots were fired on Tuesday, in a suspected shooting attack, on a Defense Ministry tractor working along the West Bank partition fence in the Jenin area, the military said.
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  • There were no injuries reported in the incidents.
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    גדוד אל-אקצא מפרסם הירי לכיוון הטרקטור בכפר גאלמה
    גדוד אל-אקצא מפרסם הירי לכיוון הטרקטור בכפר גאלמה
    Defense Ministry tractor damaged by shots fired in suspected attack on Tuesday
    The shots were alleged to have come from inside a home in the village of Jalameh on the West Bank.
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    גדוד אל-אקצא מפרסם הירי לכיוון הטרקטור בכפר גאלמה
    גדוד אל-אקצא מפרסם הירי לכיוון הטרקטור בכפר גאלמה
    Defense Ministry tractor damaged by shots fired in suspected attack on Tuesday
    Earlier on Tuesday, Palestinian media reported that Palestinians shot at a military vehicle working near the checkpoint into Israel and Hamas militants in the Jenin refugee camp posted photos of bullet holes having caused damage to the tractor.
    In another incident earlier on Tuesday, fire bombs were hurled at IDF troops operating in a Palestinian refugee camp near Nablus, in search of Palestinians suspected of terror activity, and arresting four.
    According to the military the forces were uninjured and returned fire. IDF forces arrested four Palestinian suspected of terror activity, in the operation.
    In recent months, terror attacks have been on the rise, Israeli security officials said, as security forces conducted almost nightly raids to apprehend terror suspects.
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    כוחות הביטחון בפעילות סמוך לשכם
    כוחות הביטחון בפעילות סמוך לשכם
    Palestinians clash with IDF forces during a raid near Nablus last week
    (Photo: AFP)
    Former military intelligence chief Tamir Hayman told Ynet in an interview, that a Palestinian uprising was very likely.
    Hayman said that the concept, led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that a political settlement with Israel was possible, has failed in the eyes of the Palestinian people.
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    אבו מאזן
    אבו מאזן
    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
    (Photo: Reuters)
    "That coupled with the corruption in the PA, bolsters the power of the Islamic Jihad and Hamas factions, causing a volatile situation that could ignite at any provocation," he said.

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