Iran ready for nuclear talks at UN 'if other parties willing', foreign minister says

Iran is ready to start nuclear negotiations on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York if "other parties are willing", Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said on Monday in a video published on his Telegram channel. The U.S., under then-President Donald Trump, withdrew in 2018 from a nuclear accord signed in 2015 by Iran and six world powers under which Tehran curbed its disputed nuclear program in return for a lifting of international sanctions. Indirect talks between Washington and Tehran to revive the deal have stalled. Iran is still formally part of the deal but has scaled back commitments to honour it due to U.S. sanctions reimposed on the Islamic Republic. "I will stay in New York for a few more days than the president and will have more meetings with various foreign ministers. We will focus our efforts on starting a new round of talks regarding the nuclear pact," Araqchi said. He added that messages have been exchanged via Switzerland and a "general declaration of readiness" issued, but cautioned that "current international conditions make the resumption of talks more complicated and difficult than before."
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