Three Israeli cops killed in drive-by shooting attack near Hebron

Gunfire believed to have come from passing car, which assailants later abandoned before fleeing scene

Three Israeli police officers were killed in a shooting attack on Sunday morning targeting a transport vehicle on Route 35, near the Tarqumiya checkpoint, north of Hebron. The gunfire is believed to have come from a passing vehicle, which the assailants later abandoned before fleeing the scene.
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Magen David Adom (MDA) teams were dispatched to the site. The road has been closed to traffic from the bypass junction, and security forces are preparing to enter the nearby village of Idna.
According to an MDA statement, "It appears that shots were fired at a vehicle with three passengers. MDA medics and paramedics are providing medical care to three injured individuals—a man and a woman in their 30s who are in critical condition, and a man in his 50s who is seriously injured."
The couple were pronounced dead shortly after. The third victim was evacuated to Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva where he later succumbed to his injuries.
Gush Etzion Regional Council head Yaron Rosenthal responded to Sunday morning’s attack, which follows recent incidents, including Friday's car bombings and last week's roadside bomb in eastern Gush Etzion. "Unfortunately, we are facing another severe attack this morning, adding to the recent wave of terror in the area. We must act swiftly and launch an operation to root out terrorist strongholds in the Hebron district and surrounding areas. We cannot allow terrorism to gain ground," Rosenthal said.
Before any fatalities were confirmed, Rosenthal added: "I wish a full recovery to the injured and send my support to the IDF soldiers and commanders who are bravely fighting."
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