At least one critically hurt in Hezbollah drone strike

Iran-backed group claims responsibility for attack on Western Galilee IDF fails to intercept drone hitting kibbutz Kabri causing severe injury, damage to cars, property 

Footage of interception in the Golan Heights

At least one person was critically hurt on Thursday in a Hezbollah drone strike on the Upper and Western Galilee. Sirens blared continuously in the late morning hours as aerial defenses attempted to intercept the incoming threats. After failing to stop one drone, it exploded inside Kibbutz Kabri causing serious injury and damage to cars and property.
The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit reported that Air Defense Command soldiers intercepted some of the missiles and drones that were headed into Israel. However, several drones managed to infiltrate into Israeli airspace.
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תיעוד מהנזקים בכברי בעקבות הירי לצפון
תיעוד מהנזקים בכברי בעקבות הירי לצפון
Damages to home, vehicle in Kibbutz Kabri
Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese news outlet Al Mayadeen said the attack was carried out in a combination of drones and missiles aimed at the same areas. Hezbollah has recently increased its attacks on northern Israel. On Tuesday, barrages fired at the Golan Heights resulted in the deaths of two Israelis, Noa and Nir Baranes, both 46, from Kibbutz Ortal. They were killed when their car sustained a direct hit.
The barrage and its devastating results led to outrage in the Golan Heights communities. Uri Kellner, head of the Golan Regional Council, said on Tuesday that "what occurred tonight is something that we have been aware of and talked about for three months, residents of the Golan community have been killed. We have gone through a difficult and complex event in which two dear and beloved residents were murdered."
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חלקי כטב"מ של ארגון טרור חיזבאללה שנמצאו בכברי
חלקי כטב"מ של ארגון טרור חיזבאללה שנמצאו בכברי
Part of Hezbollah drone found in Kibbutz Kabri
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday said that his organization had achieved its primary goal of wearing down Israel. "We have exhausted Israel economically, in terms of manpower, and socially. This will force it to stop the war," Nasrallah said in a speech delivered in memory of senior Hezbollah commander Muhammad Neamah Nasser who was assassinated by Israel last week.”
His words come amid ardent efforts by the U.S. to arrive at a diplomatic solution to the growing clashes on the northern border, fearing the outset of a regional war should Israel retaliate against the Iran-backed terror group.
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