'Israeli democracy is in danger,' The New York Times writes in op-ed

Prominent paper claims incoming government will 'endanger the ideal of a Jewish and democratic state' as far right and religious party leaders allegedly perpetuate Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The next government led by prime minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu puts Israeli democracy at risk, according to a New York Times op-ed published on Saturday.
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  • "The Israel we knew is no more," the editorial states, while noting that "elections in Israel often have unexpected outcomes," which are part of "Israel's proud tradition as a turbulent and pluralist democracy. However, "the far-right government which is soon to come to power appears to be ominously different from any past government in Israel."
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    ניו יורק טיימס אנדי מילס רוקמיני קלימצ'י פרס על פודקאסט פודקסט חליפות דאעש
    ניו יורק טיימס אנדי מילס רוקמיני קלימצ'י פרס על פודקאסט פודקסט חליפות דאעש
    New York Times
    (Photo: AFP)
    The newspaper claims that the "ultra-religious and ultra-nationalist" parties, which make up the new coalition, "endanger the ideal of a Jewish and democratic state" and that "Netanyahu's government poses a significant threat to the future of Israel - for his leadership, his security and even for the idea of ​​a Jewish homeland."
    According to the article, the position of the members of the government could make it militarily and politically impossible to achieve a two-state solution. The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden, according to the newspaper, will have to do everything in its power to voice its support for equal rights and the rule of law in Israel, “as it does in other countries.”
    The New York Times warns of a fragile Israeli government, made up of people who call for, among other things, "expanding settlements and annexing them, changing the status quo on the Temple Mount and undermining the authority of the Supreme Court."
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    ביג 3 בצלאל סמוטריץ איתמר בן גביר בנימין נתניהו ביבי שמחים
    ביג 3 בצלאל סמוטריץ איתמר בן גביר בנימין נתניהו ביבי שמחים
    Bezalel Smotrich, Benjamin Netanyahu, Itamar Ben-Gvir
    (Photo: Motti Kmichi, Amit Shabi, Hadar Yoavian)
    The American daily notes, in the process, that Jewish Power party leader Itamar Ben-Gvir was convicted of terrorism, that Religious Zionism party leader Bezalel Smotrich is a fervent supporter of the annexation of West Bank territories, and that Noam party leader Avi Maoz describes himself as "proud homophobic."
    “These positions are worrisome and American leaders need to say so,” the editorial says, noting that in the past most Israeli coalitions that included religious or nationalist parties also included more moderate parties, which balanced positions within the government.
    "All of that is now under threat," the paper asserts, concluding, "America's support for Israel reflects the respect that both countries have for democratic ideals. Biden and Netanyahu should do everything in their power to reaffirm this commitment."

    Reprinted with permission from i24NEWS.
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