West Bank clashes leave Palestinian gunman wounded

Border Police says upon exiting Jenin following arrest raid, Israeli forces identified a suspect pointing a gun at them from a nearby car, a soldier opened fire as the vehicle fled the scene
Elisha Ben Kimon|
Clashes broke out overnight Tuesday between Israeli forces and armed Palestinians during an arrest raid in the West Bank, leaving one gunman wounded, the Border Police said.
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  • The troops arrested Adham Turkman, who is wanted for "terrorist activity," in Jenin, but upon leaving the city few the Israeli forces came under attack from the locals.
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    אדהם תורכמאן
    אדהם תורכמאן
    Adham Turkman
    The soldiers identified a Palestinian pointing a gun at them from a car, prompting the troops to fire several bullets at the vehicle, which fled the scene with the suspected gunman. The Palestinian authorities reported the suspect was left wounded following the exchange.
    Other Palestinians began to shoot and throw explosives as the Israeli forces were leaving, but there were no casualties among the troops.
    "The mission was successful, the wanted Palestinian was arrested and transferred for further investigation," said the Border Police in a statement.
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    אבי בלוט מפקד אוגדת איו"ש קבר יוסף
    אבי בלוט מפקד אוגדת איו"ש קבר יוסף
    Israelis at Joseph's Tomb
    (Photo: Shomron Authority)
    At the same time, more than 2,000 Israelis arrived at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus overnight, although the Palestinians asked the IDF to prevent it out of fear of escalation due to tensions in the area.
    The IDF decided to allow the worshippers to enter the tomb. But, at the entrance violent riots broke out. The IDF responded with riot dispersal means and no casualties were reported.
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