Police officer stabbed in terror attack in Jerusalem | Footage from scene of attack

An officer suffers light injuries after being stabbed in the head and back at the Damascus Gate and is transported to the hospital; other police and Border Patrol troops chase the assailant who escapes into the Old City and shoot him 

Liran Tamari, Gilad Cohen|

Terrorist stabs police officer at Damascus Gat in Jerusalem
(צילום: דוברות המשטרה)

A police officer was lightly wounded on Sunday in a terror stabbing attack in Jerusalem. He was transferred to a city hospital for care. The assailant was shot on the scene.
The officer was stabbed in his upper body at the Damascus Gate to the Old City.
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תיעוד רגעי פיגוע הדקירה בשער שכם, ירושלים
תיעוד רגעי פיגוע הדקירה בשער שכם, ירושלים
Terrorist stabs police officer at Damascus Gate
(Photo: Police)
Paramedics who arrived on the scene said the officer was fully conscious and walking around with the knife still lodged in his body. "We administered first aid and moved him to hospital," one said.
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תיעוד מזירת הפיגוע בשער שכם
תיעוד מזירת הפיגוע בשער שכם
Aftermath of a Jerusalem stabbing attack
(Photo: Gil Yohanan)
Another officer who shot at the terrorist said he saw the attacker and the officer fighting with a man and alerted the forces to the fight. Then the wounded officer shouted out "terrorist," after he felt the knife stab to his head and back. Me another officer and three Border Patrol troops chased the terrorist who ran into the Old City. At first we did not have a clean shot but were ultimately able to fire at him."
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תיעוד מזירת הפיגוע בשער שכם
תיעוד מזירת הפיגוע בשער שכם
Aftermath of a Jerusalem stabbing attack
(Photo: Gil Yohanan)
The police closed the Damascus Gate and began an investigation into the identity of the terrorist.

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