850 גג

Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets, striking deep into northern Israel

More than 40 rockets fired, according to Lebanese media, hitting western Galilee areas not evacuated during war; Iron Dome intercept multiple incoming threats; earlier, drone shot down over coastal city of Acre

Dozens of rockets were launched from Lebanon toward northern Israeli communities Friday evening, hitting areas in the western Galilee that were not evacuated during the war.
The Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese network Al Mayadeen claimed that more than 40 rockets were fired.
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Multiple Iron Dome interceptions over northern Israel skies
(Photo: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)
The Iron Dome air defense system intercepted multiple rockets over the Upper Galilee following the barrage. Sirens blared in Ma’alot Tarshiha and several nearby communities.
Nine rockets launched from Lebanon fell in the Ga'aton area, with seven exploding in unpopulated areas. Meanwhile, six rockets fired toward Peki'in were intercepted by air defense fighters.
Police reported they are handling several sites in the Upper Galilee where rocket fragments have fallen. Police officers and sappers are isolating the sites and searching for additional remnants.
A 26-year-old man was lightly injured by shattered glass from the rocket barrage in the Upper Galilee. Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency service medics and paramedics provided medical treatment and transported him to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya.
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זירת נפילה בגליל
Magen David Adom ambulance at scene of rocket impact in Upper Galilee
(Photo: Magen David Adom)
"We reached the injured man, who was fully conscious and suffering from upper limb injuries caused by vehicle glass shards," said MDA paramedic Roi Vishnia Shabtai.
"We provided medical treatment and transported him by MDA ambulance to the hospital. He is in light condition and fully conscious."
Additionally, a 66-year-old man and a 34-year-old woman were lightly injured on their way to a shelter and taken to Galilee Medical Center. A 43-year-old man suffered from shock.
Earlier, a drone launched from Lebanon that entered Israeli airspace was shot down by air defenses over the northern coastal city of Acre, according to the IDF. Sirens went off due to fears of falling shrapnel.
The military also reported carrying out a strike against a building used by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon’s Naqoura earlier in the day, after identifying a terror cell there. Another strike in south Lebanon’s Yaroun targeted a Hezbollah operative, the IDF added.
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