Israeli residents of north nab man crossing border from Lebanon

The unarmed man was caught by two brothers who saw him climbing the border fence; military takes Lebanese into questioning, says will continue to prevent further infiltrations
Ahiya Rabad|
A Lebanese national crossed the border into Israel on Tuesday and was caught by two Israeli brothers who noticed him.
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  • The Lebanese man was unarmed, as the Israelis alerted the IDF, and troops arrived to question him.
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    יו"ר ועד מושב מרגליות איתן דוידי עם האזרח הלבנוני
    יו"ר ועד מושב מרגליות איתן דוידי עם האזרח הלבנוני
    Eitan Davidi and the Lebanese man
    (Photo: Liran Davidi, Eitan Shapira)
    "He said he was from Haifa, but we didn't believe him," Eitan Davidi, a farmer and local official said. "We called the army and they took him for questioning."
    The IDF Spokesperson's Unit on the other hand, said that the "Lebanese man was captured in a joint effort of the soldiers and the civilians."
    Davidi and his brother were on their farm when they noticed the man climbing on the border fence. "This is the second time this happened to us, he said. "Two years ago, we saw a man infiltrating into Israel, but he managed to escape. This time we got him right away," Davidi said.
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    גבול לבנון
    גבול לבנון
    The Israeli-Lebanese border fence
    (Photo: AFP)
    Infiltration of unarmed Lebanese civilians to Israel is a common phenomenon. Earlier this month, the IDF arrested an unarmed Lebanese suspect who crossed the border into Israeli territory.
    A military spokesperson said the IDF will continue to prevent "any attempt of illegal crossing of the border and the breach of Israel's sovereignty."
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