Israel identifies 12 more terrorists killed in Gaza school bombing

After Hamas claims dozens were killed in school used as a shelter for civilians, IDF reveals the identity of more terrorists it says used the compound as a command center to launch attacks 

The IDF and Shin Bet on Monday revealed the identity of 12 more Hamas terrorists killed in the bombing of the Tabeen school complex in central Gaza City, after 19 were previously named, bringing the total of terrorists the IDF said were killed there to 31.
The bombing drew sharp international criticism over Palestinian claims that displaced civilians used the compound to shelter there and that some 100 people were killed.
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The names and photos of the 31 terrorists
The names and photos of the 31 terrorists
The names and photos of the 31 terrorists embedded in a Gaza school
(Photo: IDF)
According to the IDF, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad used the school and its mosque as a command center from which attacks were launched.
"The strike was carried out using three precise munitions, which, according to professional analysis, cannot cause the amount of damage that is being reported by the Hamas-run Government Information Office in Gaza," the military said in a statement. "Furthermore, no severe damage was caused to the compound where the terrorists were situated."
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The names and photos of the 31 terrorists
The names and photos of the 31 terrorists
The names and photos of the 31 terrorists embedded in a Gaza school
(Photo: IDF)
The military said precautions were taken to minimize civilian casualties, including using precision munitions with reduced warheads and gathering accurate intelligence.
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זירת תקיפה בבית ספר אל-תעבין בעיר עזה 10 באוגוסט
זירת תקיפה בבית ספר אל-תעבין בעיר עזה 10 באוגוסט
Aftermath of an IDF bombing of a school compound in Gaza on Saturday
(Photo: AP)
"The Hamas terrorist organization systematically violates international law and operates from within civilian infrastructure and shelters, brutally exploiting the civilian population and institutions as human shields for their terror activities," the statement added.
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