IDF names officer killed by IED blast in Gaza's Netzarim Corridor

Major (res.) Yotam Itzhak Peled, 34, from Rosh Haayin, a company commander in the Logistics Corps' 8119th Battalion, killed in 'unusual incident' in sector under supposed high operational control by the IDF for over six months

The IDF reported Saturday evening that Major (res.) Yotam Itzhak Peled, 34, from Rosh Haayin, a company commander in the Logistics Corps' 8119th Battalion, was killed in action in the central Gaza Strip.
Peled died from an explosive device in what the military described as an "unusual incident." The device was detonated by a group of terrorists against an administrative convoy from a reserve armament unit operating in the Netzarim Corridor, a sector under supposed high operational control by the IDF for over six months which bisects the Palestinian enclave.
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רס"ן (במיל') יותם יצחק פלד ז"ל
רס"ן (במיל') יותם יצחק פלד ז"ל
Major (res.) Yotam Itzhak Peled
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
In his civilian life, Peled volunteered with the organization Chesed Chaim VeEmet, which supports grieving families.
The IDF's death toll since October 7 has reached 691, with 331 troops killed in ground operations in the Gaza Strip.
Earlier this week, the IDF announced the death of Sergeant Omer Ginzburg, 19, from Kiryat Tivon, a soldier in the Paratroopers Brigade's 101st Battalion. Ginzburg fell in combat near Khan Younis during the 98th Division's raid on terrorist targets in the city. He was fatally shot by a sniper, exactly one year and a day after enlisting in the Paratroopers.
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לוחמי צה"ל פועלים במרכז העיר עזה
לוחמי צה"ל פועלים במרכז העיר עזה
IDF forces on the Netzarim Corridor
Thousands attended his funeral, where his mother, Maya Ginzburg, delivered a heartfelt eulogy. "You are with us in every moment, in every place. You came into this world as a great, joyful soul—loving and smiling," she said.
"You grew up to be a happy, strong leading, and loving person. I know you were exactly where you wanted to be, even in your final moment. Your father and I were blessed to raise you, learn from you, love you and receive so much love from you.
"Almost everyone who crossed your path in your short journey was touched by your inner light. Mika was blessed to have your big heart, and you were blessed with her enormous love. We are left without you now, but we will stay strong because that's what you would have wanted, and we love you," she concluded.
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