Ben-Gvir pushes for controversial flag march to pass near East Jerusalem

Event organizers pressure the city to allow march to pass during wartime through Damascus Gate, which connects East Jerusalem to the rest of the capital; Government minister Itamar Ben-Gvir claims the policy is meant to 'allow freedom of movement for Jews' 

Will the annual Jerusalem day flag march pass through its regular route even during wartime? Although Jerusalem Day will be upon us next week, the exact route of the march remains unclear. According to sources close to Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, the route is still planned to pass through Damascus Gate, connecting neighborhoods of East Jerusalem to the Old City.
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מצעד הדגלים בירושלים
מצעד הדגלים בירושלים
Jeruslaem Day flag march
(Photo: Shalev Shalom)
The Jerusalem flag march has always invited tensions and disturbances due to the route through the Damascus Gate. In 2021, Operation Guardian of the Walls broke out after Hamas launched rockets towardsJerusalem and other places during the traditional flag march. In 2022, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides turned to then Minister of Internal Security Omer Barlev to examine changing the march's route due to concerns of escalation. Barlev then rejected the suggestion, and the route remained the same. The route remained the same in 2023 without significant incidents occurring.
It can be expected that Israel will be pressured to alter the course of the march while the IDF continues to fight in Gaza. Sources close to Minister Ben-Gvir say that for now, the route remains unchanged, and the march is expected to pass through Damascus Gate. Ben-Gvir confirmed his attendance at the march and distributed invitations among his activists to join the event.
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איתמר בן גביר
איתמר בן גביר
Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir
(Photo: Amit Shabi)
Ben-Gvir will hold a security assessment on Thursday with Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai and Jerusalem District Commander Doron Turgeman, and he will ensure that the march passes through Damascus Gate. "Ben-Gvir's policy regarding Jerusalem Day and in general is to allow freedom of movement for Jews and freedom of worship on the Temple Mount," said sources close to the minister.
The "People Like Lions" foundation which organizes the march, claims that the event's route will pass through Damascus Gate. "The boys' section is expected to enter through Damascus Gate and the girls' section will pass through Jaffa Gate. In the end, everyone will regroup at the Western Wall," Meir Indor, one of the organizers of the march, said.
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מצעד הדגלים בירושלים
מצעד הדגלים בירושלים
Boys' section of flag march
(Photo: Shalev Shalom)
"There is no reason to change the march route. A month ago, there was a large protest in Sderot and Hamas launched rockets there. We expect the march to be held according to the tradition that has been going on for 40 years. The police work well and know how to prevent any incident. At the event, there are no Arab youths in any area of the march. They can't tell us to change the route," Indor added.
The Israel Police said in a statement that the route will proceed on its usual route.
"The traditional flag march on Jerusalem Day is planned to pass through its traditional route, as every year, from the center of Jerusalem to the Western Wall through the gates of the Old City. These days, the Jerusalem District Police are completing the preparations and necessary arrangements for securing Jerusalem Day events, including the flag march. Once the required preparations are completed and the plans are approved by the Jerusalem District Commander, the public will be notified," according to the statemen.
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