Don't use Majdal Shams tragedy as your trigger for war

Opinion: As much as losing 12 children causes deep agony, a powerful retaliation from Israel would simply sustain the cycle of violence, further distancing Majdal Shams residents from a secure future, free of apprehension over the next Hezbollah attack

Shakib Ali|
A profound tragedy, the likes of which has never been seen, has struck the village of Majdal Shams. This pastoral village at the foot of Mount Hermon saw twelve innocent and pure-hearted children brutally killed when a powerful Hezbollah missile landed directly on the field where they were playing.
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שיירת ההלוויות במג'דל שמס
שיירת ההלוויות במג'דל שמס
The funerals
(Photo: Effi Shrir)
The funeral ceremony was among the most harrowing ever witnessed. White-shrouded coffins were lined up side by side, surrounded by thousands of mourners from all across the country, representing every denomination. The searing pain that pierced the souls left no eye dry. Boys and girls, young and old, sheikhs and secular individuals of all ages, bowed their heads and huddled together for hours in the intense heat to pay their final respects to these pure souls.
However, the silence of grief turned into immense anger upon the arrival of ministers and Knesset members from the coalition, who were met with an angry reception. Minister Bezalel Smotrich had to leave the scene, followed by Ministers Idit Silman and Nir Barkat. Opposition leaders who arrived were received with respect, and Yair Lapid gave a brief speech, though not during the ceremony itself.
When the rockets hit
Many of the village's residents appeared on almost every media outlet. Some called for an immediate and painful response, while others urged restraint, even to the point of avoiding retaliation altogether. However, the official stance of the sheikhs, in collaboration with the families of the victims, was one of mourning, pain, and acceptance of fate, alongside condemnation of the heinous crime that led to the children's murder and condemnation of any harm to civilians, anywhere and from any side. This was coupled with a clear and sharp call to end the cursed war that has brought only destruction to the entire region. The official stance firmly opposed any exploitation of "our children's blood" as a lever for any goal from any side.
The Druze of the Golan Heights firmly refuse to avenge the deaths of their loved ones and oppose any Israeli response that could ignite the region and lead to a full-scale war with Lebanon, a war that could result in hundreds of casualties on both sides and primarily devastate Lebanon - where more than half a million Druze live peacefully, as part of the complex Lebanese mosaic of communities. Any violent response that harms Lebanon will undoubtedly also harm the Druze community, and the Golan Heights Druze will not agree to be judged by history as those who caused a disastrous regional war. Any deadly response from Israel could invite a corresponding response, and the bloodshed would not stop.
עו"ד שקיב עליShakib Ali
It seems that, for now, the Druze are willing to contain the disaster, especially as the hostage deal is on the table, and this time it is closer than ever. In the past, Hezbollah has announced that it will cease fire as long as Israel reaches a deal in the south, so the chance to establish peace in the north is within reach - all that remains is for the government to advance the deal, stop the war, and bring back the hostages. Meanwhile, Hamas is already dying, and it is highly doubtful if it will ever recover.
  • Shakib Ali is a Druze lawyer and human rights advocate
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