850 גג

Northern farmers demand compensation for IDF commandeering their lands

IDF repurposes agricultural lands in north for conflict with Hezbollah after bringing in vehicles and heavy equipment; since then, the lands have become unusable, leaving Israeli farmers without income or compensation

At the beginning of October, with the outbreak of the war, the IDF requisitioned agricultural lands throughout northern Israel for military purposes. So far, some of the farmers whose fields were commandeered have not been compensated. Months later, they are seeking solutions from the government so they can finally return to farming and make a living.
For example, the IDF repurposed around 1.5 acres of farmable land near Moshav Ahihud. After the IDF left the area, the farmers noticed that the land was damaged and unusable.
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Chaim Gamliel
(Photo: Sharon Zur)
"A few days after October 7, friends called me," said Chaim Gamliel, a farmer whose land was commandeered by the army. "They saw that the army was in my fields and those of another resident, digging up land. I went there and there were forces there who said they were from Northern Command. They received orders and had to work there. For almost three days, they dug up all the land and set up a high six-meter embankment with soil."
The soldiers asked Gamliel to speak with Northern Command and assured him that he would be compensated for the losses resulting from the damage to the land and the crops. "I grow pumpkins and hay for my goats and calves, that's my livelihood," he says.
"The hay is very expensive this year, and I have to buy it instead of growing it to feed the animals. In the meantime, I also pay rent for leasing the land. If I try to restore the land on my own, without the army's help, it will cost me over 10,000 shekels ($2,700) to prepare the land for sowing."
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 תיעוד: אימונים של צה"ל להעלאת המוכנות בגבול הצפוני
 תיעוד: אימונים של צה"ל להעלאת המוכנות בגבול הצפוני
IDF has been operating on northern border for past 7 months
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
For seven months, Gamliel sought answers but failed to find anyone who cared. "The ones who took the land are the army and no one else," he said. "They came with military jeeps and heavy equipment. I keep trying to get compensation and answers, but there's no one to talk to."
The Defense Ministry responded, "The issue has been brought to the attention of the Defense Ministry. Immediately upon receiving the request, professional personnel will contact the farmer to obtain details for examination. The Defense Ministry will update upon completion of his request."
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