3 hurt in West Bank terror attack

Terrorist opens fire on a car wounding a man and two teenagers; paramedics provide emergency care and trasport the wounded to hospital; IDF troops begin a manhunt

A terrorist opened fire on a car traveling near the settlement of Shavei Shomron on Tueday, wounding a man and two teens. The three sustained light injuries from broken glass and were treated by emergency teams on the scene before being transported to hospital.
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חשד לפיגוע ירי בין שבי שומרון לעינב
חשד לפיגוע ירי בין שבי שומרון לעינב
Bullet hole from the attack
Security forces arrived and began searching for the assailant. They set up roadblocks and conducted searches in the nearby Palestinian village of Ramin forces swiftly launched a manhunt for the attackers, setting up roadblocks and conducting searches in the nearby village of Ramin. No fewer than 53 shell casings of 5.56 caliber rounds were recovered where the attack took place.
"We saw three fully conscious occupants of the car, walking around," Magen David Adom (MDA)paramedic Karin Moskowitz said. "They told us that shots were fired at them and miraculously, they were not hit by the gunfire. They suffered minor injuries from broken glass. We provided them with initial medical treatment and evacuated them to the hospital with light wounds."
"I heard a loud boom. It turned out to be a bullet being fired. I looked at my friend and saw blood on his hands," Uri Hirschfeld, who was in the car but was unhurt, said. "We will remain strong and continue to drive here, and everything will be okay."
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רוכבת אופניים נפצעה בתאונת דרכים בכביש 531
רוכבת אופניים נפצעה בתאונת דרכים בכביש 531
A Magen David Adom ambulance
(Photo: Magen David Adom)
"This attack is a clear reminder that there is a war in the West Bank, just as there is a war in Gaza and on the northern border," local settlement regional council mayor Yossi Dagan said. "The Palestinian Authority is like Hamas. These are terrorists in suits, and those are terrorists with green headbands."
Dagan demanded that "the government and senior command change the existing paradigm. "We must return security checkpoints, collect the weapons, and wage war against the Palestinian Authority's terror infrastructures," he said.
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