Wolt messenger delivers baby instead of pizza

Ilan Buaron was on his way to deliver a pizza in Ramat Gan when he got a message from MDA about a women in the middle of giving birth in her home two blocks away; Buaron, a Magen David Adom volunteer went to help; The pizza didn't make it, but the baby is safe

Tiki Golan|
When Wolt messenger Ilan Buaron, 22, started his shift Tuesday night he had no idea what kind of delivery task would be waiting for him during it.Buaron, who in addition to his work as a Wolt courier has also been volunteering for Magen David Adom in recent years, picked up a delivery of pizza from a restaurant in Ramat Gan at 2:00 a.m., put it in a box and started riding his moped to the address of the order.
The delivery should have ended like hundreds of other deliveries he has made in the past, but shortly after Buaron collected the pizza, he received a message on his cellphone from MDA about a woman from Ramat Gan, who was in the middle of giving birth in her home in the city.
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אילון בוארון שליח וולט ומתנדב במד"א
אילון בוארון שליח וולט ומתנדב במד"א
Wolt messenger Ilan Buaron, 22, a MDA volunteer, with the baby he delivered
(Photo: Ramat Gan municipality)
Buaron quickly realized that the address of the woman who giving birth was two blocks away from him and he did not hesitate: He immediately changed his route and drove, together with the pizza, to the woman's home.
Within a few minutes he arrived at the scene and located the woman, surrounded by her husband and mother, in an advanced stage of labor. He began to assist her in giving birth. For Buaron, it was the first time he was in an active labor situation, and he successfully delivered the couple's son.
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אילון בוארון שליח וולט ומתנדב במד"א
אילון בוארון שליח וולט ומתנדב במד"א
Wolt messenger Ilan Buaron gave the pizza to the ambulance crew
(Photo: Ramat Gan municipality)
During the event, Buaron also managed to send a message to Wolt's service center and inform them that the pizza he collected would probably not reach its destination. "I received a notification of an active birth on the way to the delivery address, I stopped here and helped the woman deliver her baby and I'm going to stay here a little longer," he wrote.
And what happened to the pizza? A new pizza was delivered to the hungry customers, and the pizza he carried on his moped was eaten by the ambulance crew that arrived on the scene.
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