Israelis survive flood in Thailand: 'They woke us with shouts, everything was flooded'

Hotel manager in the town of Pai wakes Israeli tourists in the middle of the night due to incoming floods; Israeli couple caught in hostilities in Ethiopia rescued by extraction team

In the picturesque town of Pai in northern Thailand, what began as a peaceful evening quickly turned into a night of turmoil for dozens of Israeli tourists. Heavy rains had transformed the area into a flood zone, submerging hotels and bungalows under relentless waters. Among those affected was Yotam, who shared his experience with Ynet.
Flooding in Pai
(Video: Clal Insurance)
"It all started in the middle of the night," he recounted. "The manager woke us with urgent shouts as the porch was already overwhelmed by water. We immediately contacted Clal Insurance's emergency center, and they promptly dispatched a rescue team. Now we're in a safe hostel still within the Pai district, recovering from the ordeal but feeling relieved."
Floodwaters from the overflowing river forced the Israeli tourists to seek refuge on rooftops, where they were eventually rescued using ladders, ropes, boats and off-road vehicles. Dror Zesler, deputy CEO and head of Claims Division at Clal Insurance and Finance, explained. "Upon learning of the situation, we immediately activated our rescue team to ensure the swift and safe evacuation of our insured clients."

Meanwhile, in the Horn of Africa

Meanwhile, in a separate incident in Ethiopia, an Israeli couple's vacation took an unexpected turn when they found themselves embroiled in renewed hostilities in the town of Debark. Previously a site of conflict between the government and rebels, the area had enjoyed a period of calm until clashes resumed without warning. The couple, the only Israelis in the vicinity, became trapped in their inn as roads were blocked and fears grew about potential power and communication failures.
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הצפות בפאי
הצפות בפאי
Flooding in northern Thailand
(Photo: Clal Insurance)
Using satellite and cellular communication, they reached out to their families and the Magnus rescue team. An extraction team swiftly assessed the situation and plotted the safest evacuation route, relying on local contacts. On Saturday, two rescue teams navigated the precarious path to reach the couple, ensuring their safe transfer to a local airport, where they boarded a flight to safety, allowing them to continue their African adventure.
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