Top Yemeni comedian mocks Israel, West in new hit song

Song features characters dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jews lamenting their plight following Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea

Mustafa al-Mumari, a famous comedian and YouTuber in Yemen, released a new song mocking Israel and Western countries titled "Ship ship" on his YouTube channel, which has 2.86 million subscribers.
The song features "Israeli" characters in ultra-Orthodox attire lamenting their plight following Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea.
Al-Mumari's 'Ship ship' 

Al-Mumari, who now praises Iran’s proxies in Yemen, previously criticized the situation in the country under the Houthi militia and was even arrested for allegedly inciting against the group. The areas under Houthi control in Yemen are plagued by severe poverty, and comedy serves as a means to critique the dire conditions.
Since the start of the war, the Houthis have released numerous songs. Their official channels feature various religious anthems intended to "boost the spirits" of their fighters. While they support music to some extent, their endorsement seems selective.
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The clip released by Mustafa Al-Mumari
The clip released by Mustafa Al-Mumari
The clip released by Mustafa Al-Mumari
(Photo: Screenshot)
Saudi Arabia’s Al Arabiya channel reported Sunday that local sources informed them the Houthis kidnapped 15 artists, singers, sound technicians and wedding hall owners due to a ban on singing at weddings and events in the Amran region.
Meanwhile, the Houthis have escalated their activities in recent weeks, introducing various weapons, including a suicide boat used against the Greek ship Tutor, which sank in recent days.
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