New West Bank Civil Administration head tasked with preventing settler violence

Brig. Gen. Hisham Ibrahim goes after illegal outposts from which settlers launch raids on Palestinian villages in order to prevent violence from igniting the West Bank and the need to divert forces from the war 

Settlers set cars on fire in a Palestinian village

The new head of Israel's civil administration in the West Bank, Brig. Gen. Hisham Ibrahim has put in effect a policy to preempt settler violence toward Palestinians by demolishing illegal outposts that have been used as bases for violent incursions into Palestinian villages and clashes with the local community.
Last week, security forces demolished structures in an outpost built illegally on privately owned Palestinian land. Settlers in the outpost clashed with troops, hurling stones and burning tires to block the roads. The violent clashes continued throughout the day.
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פינוי בגבעת עוז ציון
פינוי בגבעת עוז ציון
Troops during demolition of an illegal West Bank outpost
The civil administration can avoid having to receive the approval of the political echelon before taking such action and rely on the security services and the Defense Ministry's authority. Thus, it can circumvent any opposition from far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich, who had been given power over the West Bank as a minister in the Defense Ministry.
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בצלאל סמוטריץ'
בצלאל סמוטריץ'
Bezalel Smotrich
(Photo: Tomer Shunem Halevi )
"The outpost is a weak link that can erupt into violence that would impact the entire West Bank," the Shin Bet said.
Illegal outpost demolished
The civil administration's actions last week were approved by the Shin Bet and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who said the critical task of the civil administration was to prevent an outbreak of violence on the West Bank, egged on by settlers' rioting or any other action, that would require IDF troops to be deployed to the area in greater numbers, thereby depleting the forces needed in the war.
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First published: 15:48, 07.08.24
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