
Photo: Reuters
Sharon: Major settlement blocs will grow
Photo: Reuters

"We'll strengthen settlements"

In an interview with America's Newsweek Magazine, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said he would dismantle illegal outposts, but insisted that the large settlement blocs would remain under Israeli control, 'even if the Americans aren't happy with that'

In an interview with Newsweek Magazine, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said he was committed to enlarging the major settlement blocs. He called Benjamin Netanyahu "the leader of a group of fanatic, and this will of course influence future negotiations."


Why did you decide that disengagement is the right thing to do?


SHARON: I never thought there would be any possibility that a small Jewish minority in Gaza—seven or eight thousand Israelis, (living) among 1.2 million Palestinians, whose number doubles every generation—might become a majority or (establish) a place that could be an integral part of the state of Israel.


What is next in the peace process?


No one can impose upon Israel any plan, only what has been agreed upon, such as the Roadmap (the plan put forth by the Bush administration in 2002).


So that's where you would go next, to phase one of the Roadmap?


We are in the pre-Roadmap phase now. In order to enter to the Road-map, there should be a full cessation of terror, hostilities and incitement. The Palestinian Authority should dismantle the terrorist organizations.


You mean Hamas and company?


Yes. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, but there are other terrorist organizations there. When we leave (Gaza), our reaction if terror continues will be very, very hard.


Benjamin Netanyahu is challenging you inside your own party, the Likud. Will you stay and fight or form another party?


I think the former minister of Finance wants very much to be prime minister, so he decided to make every effort to have early elections and early primaries. I don't think that's the right way. Netanyahu became the leader of the most extreme-right group here, and that of course will affect the possibility to continue negotiations.


People in Likud are angry at you - they feel betrayed.


There are some internal problems, incitement and hatred... But I believe I will overcome that.


What about reports that you'll split the party or form a new party?


I prefer to stay with Likud. I'm not going to surrender. And I don't see why I should be ousted.


The U.S. wants you to dismantle illegal outposts (on the West Bank). Are you going to do that?


We'll do that. We call them unauthorized outposts.


Will some (more) settlements go?


The major blocs will stay as part of Israel. As to others, according to the Roadmap, that is the last thing we have to negotiate.


So you'll strengthen the settlement blocs?




How will the U.S. react?


I don't think they'll be too happy, but (these) are the major (settlement) blocs, and we must build... Even now there is construction.


The prime minister is expected to take part in the celebrations marking the U.N.’s 60th anniversary, which are being held in New York this week. Sources in the PM’s Office are calling the scheduled trip a “victory tour” following the successful completion of the Gaza disengagement.


Dozens of the 120 heads of state set to participate in the event have requested to meet with Sharon.


Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said Sharon's schedule in New York included talks with President Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Jordan's King Abdullah - in addition to leaders from the European Union, Turkey, Australia and Canada.


"I think we're hopeful that there will be meetings with Muslim leaders," Regev added, without elaborating.


"There's an enhanced understanding in the international community of what this prime minister has done to try to create a more positive situation between us and the Palestinians."


Sources close to the prime minister said Sharon has succeeded where Netanyahu and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak have failed.


“Today he is the most popular leader, who has done things that no other leader has,” one source said.


פרסום ראשון: 09.13.05, 10:15
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