
Photo: AP
Qassam rocket (Archive photo)
Photo: AP

IDF warns: Stay away from north Gaza

Operation 'Blue Skies' aimed at curbing Qassam rocket fire to be launched Wednesday afternoon; army expected to boost activity in northern Gaza. IDF leaflets warn Gazans their lives would be in danger should they enter buffer zone

Tougher approach in Gaza: The IDF is set to boost its activity in the northern Gaza Strip by launching operation "Blue Skies," in a bid to curb Qassam rocket fire directed at southern Israeli communities.


The IDF is planning to "take command" of the area by "remote control," mostly by utilizing the Air Force, and may open fire at any suspicious figure identified in the zone. The area is not inhabited and has turned into a major rocket launching site.


On Wednesday, the army informed Palestinian security authorities that as of 6.p.m., the IDF will boost its operations in the north Gaza buffer zone, advising PA officials that the life of anyone spotted in the area would be in danger.


Leaflet distributed by IDF (Photo: AP)  


Meanwhile, the army began distributing leaflets to northern Gaza residents featuring a map indicating the limits of the buffer zone, which includes areas evacuated by Israel in the summer – the former settlements of Elei Sinai, Nissanit, and Dugit.


"Whoever ignores this warning is putting his life in genuine danger," the leaflet said. "Know that terror elements have turned you into hostages and a human shield and are undermining your interests."


The leaflets warned that the army would respond with massive fire to any Palestinian attacks.


"We call on you to evacuate these areas two hours after each attack because we're expected to respond with fire," the army said.


However, members of Palestinian groups in northern Gaza told Ynet local residents had no intention of leaving the area. Members of the Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and of the Popular Resistance Committees noted "the plan introduced by the IDF would not prevent continued Palestinian fire."


Operation "Blue Skies" marks an IDF attempt to move into high gear when it comes to Qassam rocket attacks but to do so by offering a measured response and avoiding an escalation in the area. Army officials admitted the operation may reduce the number of rocket attacks on Israel but would not curb them completely.


Meanwhile, IDF officials are concerned terror groups may respond to the new policy by firing rockets from population centers, thus making it more difficult for the army to operate against launching cells.


Ali Waked contributed to the story


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