Soldiers vote in 2006 electiosn
Photo: AP
The elections for the 17th Knesset have in effect been decided, but the final results will only be received on Thursday evening, after the votes of over 150,000 soldiers, Gush Katif evacuees, prisoners, and those in hospital are counted.
The Elections Committee has said that towards the evening, with the end of the count, it will be in a position to declare the final results.
Elections Committe in action (Photo: Dudu Vaaknin)
A number of parties are hoping that the votes not yet counted will provide them with an additional mandate, especially the National Union-National Religious Party, which traditionally wins support from many soldiers.
On the other hand, the Arab National Democratic Assembly party is concerned that they will not pass the minimum required number of votes needed to enter the Knesset.
Radio broadcaster: Far from home? Pretend to be disabled to vote
The Central Elections Committee is furious with radio broadcaster Gabi Gazit, who according to claims caused three times the normal amount of voters to vote as disabled voters, compared to 2003.
Gazit told voters who arrived at mobile voting centers to vote as disabled voters instead of traveling long distances to the addresses registered on their identity cards.
"If you need to vote urgently, but you're not in Kiryat Shmona because you're now in Tel Aviv, go to a voting center and tell them: I am disabled, I want to vote. They'll give you a double envelope, and won't ask any questions – they aren't allowed to," said Gazit, who was also criticized by Central Elections Committee Judge Dorit Beinish.