After being criticized for not visiting the Qassam-stricken city, Olmert expressed empathy with residents of the city, and said that the rockets are set tot continue.
"You know well that with all of the hardship and pain, there is no overall and permanent solution that will end this threat once and for all," the prime minister said.
Addressing residents of communities bordering Gaza, Olmert said: "I want to take this opportunity, here and now, to tell the people of Sderot, the kibbutzim, and other communities – there is no one who knows better the depth of the pain in your heart, the fear and uncertainty with which you deal with every day. In Jerusalem, we underwent five years of the most difficult, heart-wrenching experiences, with endless victims. We know this reality."
The prime minister said that terror organizations could not continue to act without outside elements.
"Terror organizations could not continue to act without encouragement, funding, and guidance by the terror-supporting regimes and organizations in the axis of evil, passing through Teheran, Damascus, al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah. The shameful comments about destruction made by the Iranian president were heard by the entire world, and it is inconceivable that this tyrannical fanatical regime gain hold of weapons to realize its insane visions. We must not forget the lessons of history. We Jews certainly will not forget," Olmert said.
'War on terror forced on us'
The prime minister addressed the issue of innocent Palestinians being affected by IDF operations. With that, he said that the IDF was doing everything to prevent hurting civilians.
"We must remember that the war on terror was forced on us. The PA has never fulfilled its commitments to stop the terror attacks and to disband the organizations. When this happens, there won't be any need of course to continue the fighting. To my great sorrow, there is no room for optimism in the coming future," the prime minister said.
Olmert said that the State of Israel is close to being the place where most Jews live in the world.
"We must prevent any danger of losing the Jewish majority or of creating an inseparable bi-national reality in the State of Israel. We strive to reach peace with our Palestinian neighbors, based on dividing the land into two states and two nations. The division of the land is not a spiritual quest, it is simply forces by reality," Olmert added.