US aircraft carrier in Gulf (archive photo)
Photo: AP
Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Photo: AFP
The Pentagon is planning a major buildup of US Naval forces in and around the Gulf as a warning to Iran, CBS News reported on Monday.
A senior Defense Department official told Reuters the report was “premature” and appeared to be drawing “conclusions from assumptions.” The official did not know of plans for a major change in naval deployment.
Another Defense Department official called the report “speculative,” and a Pentagon spokeswomen declined to comment.
Citing unidentified military officers, CBS said the plan called for the deployment of a second US aircraft carrier to join the one already in the region.
The network said the buildup, which would begin in January, was not aimed at an attack on Iran but to discourage what US officials view as increasingly provocative acts by Tehran.
The report said Iranian naval exercises in the Gulf, its support for Shiite militias in Iraq and Iran’s nuclear program were causes for concern among US officials.