Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Thursday during a ceremony in Lev Hasharon Regional Council, where she was presented with honorary citizenship, that "We must respond to terror, but at the same time continue looking into and taking advantage of opportunities."
"Finding solutions for Palestinian moderates is part of the struggle against Palestinian terror," she added.
Livni’s statement came following the publication of reports saying a diplomatic initiative is in the works to revive the peace process; the plan, according to the reports, includes conducting negotiations even in the midst of Israeli-Palestinian fighting and holding talks regarding the first phase of the Road Map for peace, which calls on Israel and the Palestinians to refrain from escalating the violence.
'No more Right and Left in Israel'
According to recent reports the foreign minister is seriously considering holding talks not in the framework of a ceasefire; however, she opposes awarding concessions to the Palestinians while the fighting persists.
“The handing over of parts of the State of Israel is aimed at preserving the country’s democratic and Jewish character,” she said during the ceremony.
“To me this ideal is the realization of the values I was raised on.”
While Livni stopped short of officially declaring her political aspirations, her comments did allude to the fact that she is aiming for the center of the political map.
“There is no more Right and Left in Israel,” she said, “my job is to protect the vital interests of the general public.
In an interview with Ha’aretz last weekend Livni said she would run for prime minister when and if she feels current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is not backing her diplomatic guidelines.
Turning her attention to Syria, the foreign minister said, “The situation is complex. There will be a need to continue and provide a response to terror, but the same time we are tasked with weighing the options and taking advantage of them.”