
Photo: Reuters
Jihad gunmen (Archive)
Photo: Reuters

Jihad: People are fleeing in Sderot, not in Gaza

Spokesman for al-Quds Brigades doubts Israel will carry out threat to launch wide-scale operation in Gaza, says organization has created 'balance of terror' with Israel

Spokesman for the Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades, Abu Ahmed, told Ynet Sunday that the group does not believe Israel will carry out its threat to launch a wide-scale operation in the Gaza Strip.


"Like in all previous operations, the Israelis will withdraw this time as well, escorted by their failure and without any chance of stopping the rocket fire," he declared.


The spokesman for the Jihad's military wing vowed that his organization will continue with the rocket fire, "Which succeeded in creating a balance of terror with the enemy."


Abu Ahmed, in light of the Israeli threats, are you preparing for the possibility of a military Israeli operation in the near future?


These threats against our people aren't new. We've dealt with the Israelis' threats and the real operations. when the Israelis talk following every military operation, it testifies to the failure of any such operation, which never succeeded in putting an end to the rocket fire.


The Palestinian resistance organizations, headed by the al-Quds Brigades, are ready to confront any operation, and we vow that this operation too, if it comes into force, will fail. On our part we continue in the resistance activity in a bid to create a balance of terror and a mutual deterrence balance with the Zionist enemy.


Do you honestly believe you can achieve a balance of terror? Is this not just propaganda?


We are not the only ones talking about a balance of terror and deterrence. The Israelis themselves, both on the political-military level and on the level of the civilians, are saying that such a balance actually exists. The Israelis have carried out many operations, like the one in Beit Hanoun, and no one here is leaving home.


The Israelis threaten to bombard the houses and the people gather in the houses to prevent the strikes. The people in Sderot, however, are leaving their houses in front of the eyes of the world. Therefore, this is not about a psychological war, but about success that has already been obtained through these blessed rockets.


The average Israeli fails to understand why the rocket attacks continue, despite Israel's full withdrawal from Gaza and after Israel gave the Palestinians everything in the Strip.


This is a mistake. Israel gave nothing, and there's no Palestinian sovereignty in the Strip. our enemy fully controls the air and the sea, and the Strip's borders are fenced on all sides. The Palestinians cannot sail at sea, import commodities through the Karni crossing or travel in the world beyond Rafah.


The only reason for the Israeli withdrawal was the desire to refrain from continued attacks by the resistance groups against the settlements and the soldiers in the Strip. even today the occupation still exists, and we have the right to continue fighting it.


Despite your statements about a struggle against the occupation, it seems that in the case of the Islamic Jihad the rocket fire stems from a special agenda, which may be dictated from abroad.


We in the Islamic Jihad do not have, thank God, any special agenda. We do not take part in the elections, we are not seeking power or authority or jobs. Our only agenda is the fight against the occupation and protecting our people. The enemy must withdraw from our lands, and this shooting is a part of our self-defense. When Israel carries out killings on a daily basis, we cannot stand by idly.


But today, and in the recent days there were no assassinations, and still the fire continued. Only a few hours ago you fired rockets in the Kissufim area.


Perhaps there were no targeted killings today, but the killings haven't stopped. There are dozens of arrests and actions of Israel in the West Bank every day, and our reactions derive from Israel's moves. We never said that every shooting is necessarily an immediate response to a certain operation of Israel. our reactions are the result of the conditions on the ground and the military constraints.


What special preparations are you conducting in the event Israel carries out its threat for a wide-scale operation in the Strip?


We can't speak about special preparations, but we are ready, the Mujahidin never sleep, we are awake all the time. Our people are watching the borders… I state again that we do not believe the Israelis, because of the experience of the past, will carry out their threats.


פרסום ראשון: 01.15.07, 00:17
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