Lebanese-Syrian border
Photo: AP

UNIFIL troops in Lebanon. 'Doing nothing'
Photo: AP
has recently transferred large quantities of advanced antitank missiles to Hizbulla in Lebanon, going against a UN resolution on the subject, senior officials in Jerusalem recently learned.
The shipments include Russian-made Kornet antitank guided missiles, of the same type used by Hizbullah
against Israel during the war in Lebanon.
Armament Efforts
Political standoff between government, Hizbullah and opposition raises alarm over possible eruption of another civil war. Since tensions worsened two months ago, weapons sales rise threefold. Analyst warns: We’re sitting on ticking bomb
A high ranking official reported that in wake of the war, the Shiite group realized it needs to stock up on substantial quantities of missiles that can target the Israeli armored forces.
In addition to the missiles, Israeli officials discovered that Hizbullah continues to amass Katyusha rockets, as well as medium-range and long-range rockets.
"Again, Hizbullah is growing in strength before our eyes and we're standing by idly," a Jerusalem official exclaimed.
Meanwhile, criticism in Israel is growing over UNIFIL's failure to thwart the constantly-increasing arms smuggles into Lebanon.
"Hizbullah has learned a trick: All weapons smuggles are carried out north of the Litani River, far from where the UNIFIL soldiers are stationed. The soldiers are aware of the smuggling, but are doing nothing," the official claimed.
"The only choice that remains is to demand a deployment of international forces along the border with Syria, or to make Syria pay so that it realizes Israel will not accept the transfer of arms to its enemies," he added.
In consultations held by the Foreign Ministry recently, it was decided to boost the diplomatic activity abroad, in a bid to persuade the international community to enforce the arms embargo.