
Homesh evacuation this Pesach
Photo: AFP

IDF bans settlers' march to Homesh

Despite initial authorization, IDF officially announces entrance to evacuated West Bank settlement on Independence Day will not be allowed. March's organizers say thousands will arrive, no matter what

The IDF officially announced on Sunday that authorization for a march to the evacuated settlement of Homesh this Independence Day would not be granted.


The march's organizers responded by saying, "The march to Homesh will take place as planned."


On Tuesday, Israel's 59th Independence Day, while most Israelis will be traveling throughout nature sites, right-wing leaders plan to use this day to march to the evacuated West Bank settlement of Homesh.


The IDF initially announced that the settlers and rightists would be allowed entrance on the condition that they leave in the afternoon. According to the announcement, anyone interested would be allowed to march to the settlement with military security.


Nonetheless, following an evaluation carried out on Sunday by Central Command Chief Major-General Yair Naveh, it was decided that the march should not be permitted.


Sunday night, the IDF spokesperson's unit published an official announcement saying, "According to the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law, Israeli citizens are not allowed to enter and stay on the grounds of the evacuated settlement of Homesh. Any attempt to reach the place will be considered an offence, and the IDF and police will work to prevent the entrance of Israeli citizens into the settlement's territory."


Defense establishment sources told Ynet that the defense forces planed to completely prevent the march to Homesh and that "what happened during Pesach will not happen now."


The "Homesh first" headquarters said in response, "Thousands will reach Homesh in any case and any way. Just as they did during Hanukah and Pesach and we are prepared for any scenario. The march to Homesh will take place as planned and will give Independence Day the meaning this day deserves."


פרסום ראשון: 04.23.07, 02:19
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