
Marina Maximilian
Daniel Ben-Haim

Cultural icons without the uniform

It used to be a mark of shame not to enlist in the IDF, today many shirk active duty and work their way to stardom

Twenty years ago, an Israeli who did not serve in the army would be considered an outcast. Today the opposite is true. A large number of teenagers choose not to enlist – some for justifiable reasons – and have no problem boasting about it. The general public has no problem with their choice and some

even become celebrities.


The Israeli version of "American Idol," is an excellent mirror of Israeli society. Participants come from various backgrounds, religions and status. Four of this season's contenders have not served in the army. Indeed they were released for legitimate reasons but their status as cultural icons indicates the shift in the attitude of the society towards the phenomenon.


Take for example Daniel Ben-Haim (20). During the auditions Ben Haim declared he did not enlist because he was religious. Yet, his faith does not stop him from appearing on a show that is broadcast on Shabbat, although his appearance is pre-recorded on Fridays.


Marina Maximilian, the apparent favorite, was released from the IDF for personal reasons. Doron Rokach (22) and Adir Ohaion (21) were discharged due to health issues.


Another star who chose not to spend three years in uniforms is model and actor Michael Lewis (19). Nevertheless, Lewis was chosen to lead the Fox chain's fashion campaigns, and satellite TV company Yes signed him on a three-year talent contract, with a starring role in the soap series "The Champion."


In an interview withYedioth Ahronoth, Lewis claimed that he was discharged because of a cardiac problem. Yet, that does not prevent him from playing basketball and training regularly.


Michael Lewis


And they are not alone; other celebrities have chosen to pursue their careers instead of serving in the army. While some have legitimate reasons, others, like model Ma'ayan Keret confessed that "it just didn't seem right to put my career on hold and to spend two years serving coffee to some officer."


Lewis's agent, Ziva Michael, said in replay that "Michael suffers from a condition called WPW. At 17 he underwent catheterization which failed. That was the reason he did not enlist. The basketball association, on the other hand, allows athletes with WPW to play under close medical supervision."


פרסום ראשון: 07.20.07, 08:28
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