
Waiting means regression. Olmert
Photo: AP

Olmert: We have partner for peace

'For many years we were content to say that 'there is no partner' (for peace), but now all signs indicate that there is,' Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declares. Recent meetings with PA leader Abbas have achieved progress, he says. Right-wing MKs slam 'bankrupt partnership'

"For many years we made do with declaring that 'there is no partner' (for peace), but now all signs indicate that there is," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Thursday during a Kadima faction meeting.


"We aren't deluding ourselves. We all saw what happened and is still happening in Gaza. The moderate forces must withstand complicated tests in the intra-Palestinian arena. However, we can't and don't want to ignore the moderate voices in Ramallah. We can't be blind to the fact that the elected leader of the Palestinian people, President Mahmoud Abbas, believes as we do that the solution to the conflict is only through negotiation."


According to Olmert, in the last few months of meetings he and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have managed to establish trust and to think together about how to bridge the rifts between the two peoples. In their most recent meeting, he said, the two decided on a small team charged with drafting a joint statement that will reflect the understanding reached thus far.


"if we will succeed in drafting such a joint statement, it will greatly contribute to the success of the international summit in the US in November," Olmert said.


"I believe that freezing matters is a regression, that waiting – when there is hope for a chance – paves the way for extreme elements to strengthen their hold and influence on the Palestinian street.


"I'm convinced that if we retreat from this effort – which is serious, responsible, cautious but uncompromising and determined – to build bridges of trust and negotiation with the Palestinian leadership that is fighting Hamas, we will find ourselves facing a united Hamas-Islamic Jihad front in the territories," Olmert said.  


Goodwill gestures

"Already on Sunday I will present to the Knesset a proposal to release Palestinian prisoners without blood on their hands who identify with the current government and pledge to oppose terror," the prime minister said.


"This is the only way to signal to the Palestinian people that only through negotiations and peace are results achieved. Simultaneous to the gestures and dialogue, we will continue to fight terrorists and extremists without restraint or inhibition. The Israeli government is fighting non-stop to smash terrorism.


"Security officials, the IDF and Shin Bet have full backing for any offensive required to stop terrorism anywhere, any time and using any means. This type of war has no total or speedy victories. This fight requires patience and endurance. We will not stop," he said.


Olmert noted that the principle guiding his party was the same one they declared ahead of elections: "Evacuating territories in the West Bank and establishing a border that will ensure security and stability in Israel. This vision, whose aim is to guarantee Israel's future as a Jewish nation, has not changed or been neglected."


'Abbas can't even defend his own office from Hamas'

Right-wing Knesset members were quick to denounce Olmert's proclamation while MKs on the left voiced their support and approval.


MK Arieh Eldad (National Union-National Religious Party)) said the partnership between Olmert and Abbas was a bankrupt one. "Someone who just a few months ago could not even defend his office in Gaza from Hamas' takeover, would indeed appear to be a suitable partner for the first Israeli leader to lead Israel to failure in war," he said.


Eldad warned that after Israel withdrew from the West Bank, Hamas would quickly seize control. "If that happens, we will only have ourselves to blame – for not disposing of Olmert sooner."

Meanwhile MK Yossi Beilin (Meretz) welcomed Olmert's statements and said the true test for Olmert would be the upcoming peace summit in Washington.


Labor has decided to support Olmert's proposal despite the fact that party chairman Ehud Barak has voiced his pessimism regarding negotiations with the Palestinians in the near future.


Visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with Abbas on Thursday and said Israel and the

Palestinians were addressing ''critical, core issues'' in preparation for the summit. She reiterated the importance of the summit and said it was necessary to "advance the cause of a Palestinian state."


Rice also said she was encouraged by the rapport and shared commitment of Olmert and Abbas.


פרסום ראשון: 09.20.07, 21:29
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