The internal police investigation on the riots in the Druze town of Peki'in began Wednesday morning, checking the series of events which ended with 27 police and 10 civilians being injured.
But former Shin Bet Deputy Knesset Member Israel Hasson (Yisrael Beitenu) is already demanding a parliamentary committee to examine whether police acted appropriately by sending hundreds of officers to Peki'in.
According to Hasson, the events in Peki'in formed a pinpoint with broad sectarian consequences. "I'm astounded by the police's conduct," Hasson said, "the incident in Peki'in is not isolated; such incidents have already taken place in the past. The (Druze) sect does not permit the installation of mobile phone antennas in its area, and its sensitivity to the issue is known."
Hasson recommended setting up an internal security committee in the Knesset "that will investigate whether the police was unaware of the major sensitivities of the Druze sect."
The Knesset's Internal Committee Chairman, Knesset Member Ophir Pines-Paz also criticized the police's conduct, saying "in Peki'in there was serious violence against police and I condemn all violence against law enforcers, but I can't agree in any way that the police's use of live arms against protesters."
Pines recalled that in the past, when residents of Ramat Gan and Givatayim set alight mobile phone antennas, no one considered using live ammunition against them.
Efrat Weiss contributed to this report