The decision to raise the alert level was made after various top security figures conducted a comprehensive security assessment, the team was headed by Maj. Gen. Berti Ohayon, chief of police operations.
The police and IDF have reportedly received at least ten specific warning of impending terrorist attacks as well as dozens of general alerts.
Most of the warnings center around attempts to carry out suicide bombings, shooting attacks, rocket launchings and kidnappings.
Police officials have said they will significantly beef-up security in heavily populated areas, crowded arenas and hitchhiking posts.
Police will be deployed in expanding rings from city centers to the seam line, with a special focus on areas straddling the Green Line and the so-called 'Jerusalem Envelope.'
Officers plan to both increase their visibility and boost undercover operations. In addition, more roadblocks will be erected and stricter security checks will be implemented at existing checkpoints.
The IDF has also reported an increase in the amount of activity in the West Bank in recent days, though most incidents involve Molotov cocktails and rocks. The military believes that these small-scale attacks will only increase as the Annapolis summit nears.
Jerusalem District Police briefly raised the alert level in the capital on Sunday amid specific warnings of possible terror attacks in Jerusalem ahead of the upcoming peace talks
Bombs over Bagh…Jerusalem?
Members of the One Jerusalem organization are set to present an unequivocal and vivid picture of how close Arab and Jewish neighborhoods are to one another in Jerusalem in order to lobby against efforts to partition the Holy city.
Part of the presentation will feature a laser show in which beams will be emitted from positions in Arab neighborhoods towards Jewish neighborhoods in the city to demonstrate to attendees the short distance between the two.
The hosts are expected to contend that the proximity between the two would leave Jerusalem's Jewish neighborhoods vulnerable to Qassam rockets, mortar fire and shooting attacks should the city be divided.
The event organizers are expecting thousands of people to turn out. Former Minister and One Jerusalem founder Natan Sharansky, One Jerusalem General-Director Yechiel Leiter, and former IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. (Res.) Moshe Yaalon as well as others are expected to attend.
Full coverage of Annapolis peace summit
Roi Mendel contributed to this report