
PM: Increase international pressure on Tehran
Photo: AFP

Olmert: US will continue to spearhead campaign against Iran

Prime Minister Olmert says 'Israel does not lead the battle against Iran,' calls on Russia, China and Europe to pressure country

Speaking at a conference of the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert referred to the US intelligence report that claimed that Tehran froze its nuclear program in 2003.


Olmert said he took "very seriously" US President George W. Bush's statement saying that the international community should continue to pressure Iran on its nuclear program, and that Tehran remained dangerous despite the new report.


The PM added that he was convinced that the US would continue to spearhead the international campaign against Iran's nuclear armament. "Israel has not and does not lead the battle against the capricious government of Tehran. It is not only Israel's problem but that of the entire international community," Olmert said.


The key to the solution, according to Olmert, is the continued pressure on Iran by the US, Russia, China and Europe. "Israel will work together with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to expose the Iranian military's plan to develop a nuclear weapon," he said.


In regards to Tuesday's clashes in Gaza between the IDF forces and militants that left six Palestinians dead, Olmert said that "While the terrorist organizations work to maximize the damage they inflict on our civilian population, the IDF has been holding back and selecting its targets very carefully."


The cabinet is scheduled to convene Wednesday to discuss the situation in Gaza.


פרסום ראשון: 12.11.07, 21:52
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