The Foreign Ministry can now add a new bureau to its list of Israeli offices worldwide – the bureau of Sderot.
The ministry inaugurated its new bureau in the southern city of Sunday, saying it was designed to accommodate the needs of the growing number of foreign media representatives present in the city, covering the situation in the area.
The new office will also provide for the various – and many – overseas delegations and foreign officials visiting the Qassam-ridden areas of Sderot and the Gaza vicinity communities.
"The bureau will be able to direct attention to the realities of the city," Aviv Shir-On, the ministry's deputy director-general for media and public affairs, told Ynet.
The Foreign Ministry, he added, also wants to "send a clear message to the residents of Sderot and the Gaza vicinity communities, that it is here to make sure they are duly represented in each and every of our bureaus around the world."