
Iranian President Ahmadinejad
Photo: AP

Iran: New EU sanctions won't affect nuclear activities

Tehran rejects Europe's 'carrot and stick' policy, says new sanctions won't stop Iran's 'pursuit to realize its nuclear rights'

Iran condemned on Tuesday new sanctions imposed on it by the European Union and made clear they would not slow Tehran's nuclear activities, an Iranian news agency reported.


EU states agreed the new sanctions on Monday, including an asset freeze on Iran 's biggest bank, following its refusal to meet demands to curb its nuclear programme. Western powers suspects Iran wants to make nuclear arms but Tehran denies this.


"Such illegal and paradoxical behaviour .... is meaningless and strongly condemned," the Fars News Agency quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini as saying.


Hosseini said it would not have any effect on Iran 's determination to obtain nuclear technology and would not help create the "appropriate atmosphere to resolve the issue through diplomatic channels."


He was referring to separate proposals put forward by Iran and by six world powers intended to defuse a long-running dispute that has sparked fears of military confrontation and helped push up oil prices to record highs.


EU nations on Monday approved additional financial and travel restrictions on a list of Iranian companies _ including the country's largest bank, Bank Melli Iran.


Earlier in June, EU unsuccessfully proposed a package of economic incentives in return for an end to Iran's uranium enrichment program.


The new sanctions, coordinated with the United States at a summit earlier this month, will target businesses and individuals that the West alleges are linked to Iranian nuclear and ballistic programs, an EU official said.


"The individuals will be banned from entering the EU and the entities will be banned from operating in the EU," said the official, who wanted to remain anonymous, after EU ministers rubber-stamped the widely flagged measures at a meeting in Luxembourg.


פרסום ראשון: 06.24.08, 10:10
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